Expanded Theatre

表演, 2021


Walking droplets(Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs的一種)的影片令我震驚和著迷。它就像模擬世界中的故障一樣,給人一種極度的不真實感。但與此同時,水珠優雅地彈跳,行走,跳舞,也營造出獨特的美感。我開始把裝盛液體的器皿想像成一個劇院的舞台,而水滴則是表演者。突然,“Expanded Theatre”一詞突然浮現在我的腦海,這就是該項目的開始。

起初,我想像Expanded Theatre就像“Expanded Cinema”。將器皿和水滴想像成舞台和表演者,我嘗試引入燈光和舞台設計。但是,在嘗試重現這一物理現象的實驗中(順便說一句,我嘗試使用水和肥皂代替矽油,因為我沒有屬於自己的實驗室…),我發現液滴其實是以非常隨機的方式運動,看起來更像是在夜總會裡跳舞的人。因此,我將燈光和舞台設計更改為DJ和Live coding 的VJ表演。但是我保留了“擴展劇院”的名稱。 (部分原因是我無法提出一個更好,更酷的名稱。)

這是一個試圖將藝術與科學融合的作品。 2019年,我在蘇黎世與一位藝術家聊天,他說在所有的藝術和科學項目中,藝術家似乎傾向一種拿來主義:拿來科學家的發現的作為作品材料/媒介的東西。但是我嘗試用​​另一種方​​式來做這個作品:一開始,我先是做了很多實驗,並且試圖弄清楚發生了什麼以及為什麼,在此過程中,我也得到了靈感創作藝術的靈感。以下是實驗的一些筆記。


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Expanded Theatre

Performance, 2021

In short, Expanded Theatre is a performance project merging science and art, in which sound, visual elements, and the hydrodynamic quantum analogs are involved.

When I saw the video of walking droplets for the first time, I was shocked and amazed. The phenomenon is like a glitch in the Matrix, giving such a feeling of unreal; but at the same time, the elegant bouncing, walking, dancing droplets also create a unique aesthetic. As the video went on, I started to imagine the bath as a stage in a theatre, and the droplets as performers presenting themselves to me. Thus, I came up with the name “Expanded Theatre”. During my experiments of recreating the phenomena with soap and water, I observed the ways of how the droplets move, and the imagination changes: they are more like people dancing freely and uninhibitedly in a nightclub than rigid performers on a formal and dignified stage. So, I decided to make it into a performance that includes DJ, VJ, living coding, and the incredible droplets, but the name “Expanded Theatre” is kept, as I thought it still describes the work well, and it’s cool.

In 2019 I had a chat with an artist in Zurich and he said that in all the art and science projects, the artists seem to tend to just grab what the scientists have found as material/media of their work. I try to do this project in another way: at first, I did a lot of experiments, and really tried to understand the phenomenon as well as the mechanism behind it, and tried to get inspiration for the art project in the experimenting process. I think this might be a better way: with more understanding and knowledge from the science part, art and science merge better, and the result is more surprising.

Below are some of the notes of the experiments.


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