Jam Chaser

Jam Chaser is a small quadrotor drone that carries a pot of NO2 absorbing plant(e.g Pyracantha crenatoserrata, a potted plant that has a strong ability to absorb NO2 from the air). A team of Jam Chasers is ready, when a certain road turns yellow on Google maps, they will set out and fly to where the traffic is most congested. So you will see in the off work time, a group of strange drones take off and fly to Nathan Road and other stuck roads.

Jam Chaser can be modified from a commercial product and get the traffic information from Google maps. It’s very interesting that Jam Chaser is very impractical as a solution to air pollution, but it can be very useful in another way. When you are driving and you see a Jam Chaser flying to the direction that you are going to, you would know that there is a traffic jam beyond and you’d better choose another route.

Bicycle traffic sign

In Foshan, Guangdong, the design of the bicycle line is super stupid.

You can see some. bicycle line like these:

I mean, if you are crazy about extreme sports, you will love this place. As a guy who just want to cycle around normally in the city, those bicycle lines make me mad, and confused about whether some people have a functioning brain or not.

So it’s time for some activism. I design some traffic signs like the below ones for bicycle.

And put them on the road.

Green Cube

The green Cube is an inflatable airship that covered with a special kind of climbing plant growing on its surface. This kind of climbing plant has the ability to absorb the main air contaminant in Hong Kong. So, the airship is a tiny biological air cleaner. I plan to fly it on top of the factory’s roof to let it complete its clean mission and serve as a floating sculpture at the same time.

The first motivation for this is just fun. But I do hope it can also convey some messages. We have been talking about environment protection for decades, and now it gradually becomes a boring old topic just like something you would hear from your grandma. People, especially the young, don’t want any more preaching. When many of my friends see a long post about environment protection on Instagram, they just skip it. They don’t like being told what to do.

So the question is that what can we do to promote environment protection now? How can we deliver the idea when everyone seems to be bored about that?  As I can see, nowadays, more stupid means more powerful. Thus, the answer may be to deliver the ideas in a more stupid and humorous way.