Little Jack 小傑克

實體的Twitter機器人, 2020

小傑克(Little Jack)是一個機器人,可從Twitter讀取有關Covid-19的推文,並根據所讀取的推文在物理世界中給出不同的響應。當它所讀的推文的積極度為負時,它會給出悲傷的表情和雜音,而當推文的積極度為正時,它將給出開心的臉和噪聲。你也可以與它互動以使其更快樂,如果它太難過,它會殺死自己。 



實體推特機器人的想法也非常有趣,就像在這個越來越像22世紀殺人網絡的世界中的倒退一樣(想想吧,現在我們可以在網上完成一切!)。就個人而言,我認為The Matrix是可以居住的地方,誰知道這個“現實世界”不是一個巨大的模擬器呢?但是,在我們的技術水平達到這一點之前,我認為有形的東西仍然有其含義。 




網頁, 2020


Over Growth 瘋狂蔓延







Wifi Killer 2000

一個十分煩人的機器人, 2020

簡而言之,WiFi Killer 2000是一個交互式WiFi干擾器,它可以追趕人們並將附近的WiFi信號干擾,它是從一個舊的WiFi路由器修改而來的。 


在我看來,WIFi Killer 2000是個小玩笑。對於一直在開會的人來說,被移動的WiFi干擾器追趕的經歷可能會有些煩人,但我認為這總的來說很有趣。我希望人們在試圖逃離它時也可以考慮以下兩個問題:“我為什麼要這樣做?”和“它為什麼要這樣做?”








Another Day at Work

Game, 2020

Play at Here or Here

The main concepts behind this artwork are the molecular discourses in contemporary biopower and the self-rule elements in ethopolitics. The HGP(Human Genome Project) creates a mosaic of human genes, then new surveillance techniques applying big data and bio-technologies, especially genetic technologies, derived. The work is also related to the current situation that with the spreading of COVID, the debate of whether we should track down the patients (and other people) becomes popular again.

Based on the concepts, I imagine an anti-utopia future, in which everyone is identified by their genes recorded in a genes ID (I create a simple barcode format for it). In such a world, your genes are your name, your faces, and your identity.

In the game you play as someone in power – a form checker, to decide whether the form should be approved or not. The forms are generated with context-free grammar, so there is always the next form for you to check.

Genes data from HGP

Wifi Killer 2000

A very annoying robot, 2020

In short, the WiFi Killer 2000 is an interactive WiFi Jammer that can chase people and jam the WiFi signal nearby, modified from an old WiFi router.

I am not against having online life, to be honest I spend most of my time online, too, especially in 2020. But it is just a truth that disconnecting, or living offline is much more harder now, not need to compare to 10 years ago, just compare to the days in 2015 or 2016 when IoT and social media are not such huge things.

In my vision, WIFi Killer 2000 is a light joke. The experience of being chased by a moving WiFi jammer might be a bit annoying for those who have business meetings all the time but I believe it is over all funny. I hope when people are trying to run away for it they can also think about these two questions: “Why am I doing this?“ and “Why is it doing this?”

Over Growth

(proposal) Video for ICC tower, 2020

“The crazily spreading vines on the building are the sweet revenge on the expanding urban area that is nibbling the wild.”

Animated images, generated according to special algorithms, as an abstract representation of how giant vines might possibly grow on the skyscraper’s surfaces are shown on the surfaces via the facade.

By making the vines climbing on ICC tower, I want to address the conflicts between human and nature, urban and wild, us and the other. The images remind us a possible ending of the conflicts, a future that we fail to build a harmony relationship with nature.

Nature always wins. We are all just a part of it.

Physicist Simulator

Game, 2020

Physicist Simulator is a game, or you might want to call it an interactive web page. There are some “physical” rules in the game world and lead to certain phenomena in the game. The task for the player is to find out those rules and to understand them.

Play at Here or Here