2021, 游戲

Artist; Troublemaker; Mr.
2021, 游戲
2021, game
It is a game. or not a game. You can interact with almost everything in this game, but the only interaction is to see you and the world in their eyes. It is about animism, perspective, watching and being watched.
Explore the little island, walk around, find something, or just simply sit down and watch the sunset.
Play it here.
2021, Software
Using Firefox or Chrome is recommended, for Safari version lower than 15.2, fatal bugs might occur.
E-Shredder is a webpage/piece of code, which shows you copies of the most recent sold NFTs, and gradually “destroy” them.
More interestingly, itself is an NFT too, so if you buy it, you can witness it destroying itself.
More details: here
2021, 裝置
DiVision 是我研究包含非數字(non-digital)元素的生成藝術的最新結果。在該裝置中,我使用了一個帶有棱鏡、分光器和反射鏡的自制投影系統,改變數字投影儀投射出的投影單通道黑白圖像,以創造出豐富多彩的多層沉浸式視覺效果。
之所以稱為 DiVison,是因為在該系統中,從數字投影儀發出的光束被分光器和棱鏡分割和改變。設置好系統後,我同樣用分割的概念創作了計算機生產圖像。
2021, Installation
DiVision is a recent outcome of my research of generative art with non-digital elements. In the installation, a customized projection system with prisms, beam splitters, and mirrors is used to create colorful and multi-layer immersive visuals from a digital projector projecting single-channel black and white images.
It is called DiVison because, in the system, the light beams coming out from the digital projector would be divided and altered through the beam splitters and prisms. After setting up the system, I then composed the black and white computer-generated graphic with the concept of division.
Visit the project page here
2021, GTAV Online 介入
這個介入行動很簡單。在一個週末,我在遊戲 Grand Auto Theft V Online 中用公共汽車擋住了最繁忙的 Vinewood Boulevard。然後我(控制我的角色)爬上公共汽車,開始通過在線語音聊天將簡·方達(Jane Fonda)於1972年在洛杉磯發表的關於越南戰爭的演講錄音播放到遊戲世界中。
其他玩家和遊戲對此的反應和他們試圖阻止我的行為都非常有趣。由於GTAV是關於(成為)罪犯的,遊戲 中的 NPC 被編程為具有粗魯、暴力和好鬥的傾向。許多人批評過這一點。從某種意義上說,這滿糟的,但可能更糟的是,這也以某種方式“編程”了玩家,使他們在遊戲中更具侵略性和暴力性。
2021, GTAV Online Intervention
The intervention is simple. On a weekend, I blocked Vinewood Boulevard, which is the busiest road, in the game Grand Auto Theft V Online with a bus. Then I (controlled my character) climbed up onto the bus, and started to play the recording of Jane Fonda’s speech about the war in Vietnam she gave in LA in 1972 to the game world through the online voice chat.
It is very interesting to see how other players and the game react to this and try to stop me. As the game is about (being) criminals, NPCs in GTAV are programmed to be rude, violent and aggressive. Many people have criticized this. For sure this is quite messed up, in a sense, but what probably more messed up is that, this also somehow “programmed” the player to be more aggressive and violent in the game.
Some other GTAV related stuff here
2021-2022, Digital Graphics
Click on the titles to view the live versions of the works. Recommended to use Chrome or Firefox.
Accident happens inevitably. During a leak some substances from ourside enter digital world no.05A35. This specific instance of Platystomata was found after the incident.
We found Ommatoporifera in a hidden corner, somewhere like Mariana Trench on the earth, in the digital world no.05A35. We still don’t know we should call this instance (or these instances) of Ommatoporifera it or they. But seems that the division is not a form of reproduction.
Platystomata is the first one of its family we found in the digital world no.05A35. Due to unknown risks for it and us, don’t let it out.
2021, 裝置
觀眾的心跳將由定制的電路和 DIY 傳感器檢測和記錄。裝置然後會使用此數據生成聲音和視覺效果。視覺效果將通過三角棱鏡投射到一個裝滿水的淺反射盤上。揚聲器放置在碟子下方,通過它播放聲音以擾動水面,使投影圖形變形。